Washington DC Wedding Cinematographer - Videographer - Weather at Outdoor Venues

The venue is probably one of the first things you book as a couple when nailing down your wedding date. Sometimes your wedding date depends entirely on the availability of the venue or venue types that you’re looking at, followed by photo and video, flowers, decor, catering, and so on (In whatever order)

When choosing a venue for it’s outdoor appeal, it’s important to note (although nobody wants to think about this ever) What happens if the wedding gets rained inside for the ceremony? Or what if the ENTIRE wedding day gets rained inside?

This wedding in particular got rained in all day so although the venue was beautiful on the outside as it is on the inside, we were stuck inside all day long. Nonetheless I was still able to give the bride a memorable film. The venue is key in this situation and so is your cinematographer and photographer. Being able to stay creative indoors because of the weather is important for weddings that turn out like this. I hope you enjoy this one, along with a dump of some cool screengrabs from the film itself :)